The popularity of the eighth edition and reprints of the book A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines amongst the students and the teachers of the various Universities of the country, has prompted the bringing out of the ninth edition of the book so soon. The ninth edition has been thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date. A large number of problems from different B.E. degree examinations of Indian Universities and other examining bodies such as Institution of Engineers and U.P.S.C. upto Summer 20O02 examinations have been selected and have been solved at proper places on this edition. Most of these problems have been worked out in S.I. units. All of the text along with existing problems have been converted into S.I. Units.
In the ninth edition, a new chapter entitled Ideal Flow (or Potential Flow) has been added. Potential flow has been included in most of Indian Universities. This chapter has been written in a simple and easy-to-follow language so that even an average student can grasp the subject matter by self-study. Also a few new topics such as “Liquids in Relative Equilibrium” and “Pipe Network” have been added in this edition. The topic of Pipe Network has been included in the chapter of Flow Through Pipes. The pipe network is mostly used in city water supply system, Laboratory supply system or house hold supply of water and gas.
The objective type multiple-choice questions are often asked in the various competitive examinations. Hence a large number of objective type questions with answers have been added in the end of the book.
With these additions, it is hoped that the book wll be quite useful for the students of different branches of Engineering at various Engineering Institutions.
I express my sincere thanks to my colleagues, friends, students and the teachers of different Indian Universities for their valuable suggestions and recomnmending the book of their students.
Suggestions for the improvement of this book are most welcome and would be incorporated in the next edition with a view to make the book more useful.