Cost Accounting-5th E- 2022- By-TS Reddy -Y Hari Prasad Reddy


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Cost Accounting-5th E- 2022- By-TS Reddy -Y Hari Prasad Reddy

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About Book:

 We are extremely grateful to the academic community for the generous support extended to our book “Cost Accounting’

“ We have used the opportunity provided by this edition-

(a)To add several new exercises in each chapter, giving more importance to

short answer problems and delete some outdated problems therein.

(b) To make appropriate addition to the theory in different chapters.

(c)To add latest question papers to the questions paper Bank given at the

end of the book.

Other notable features of the book include

  • Theory questions in each chapter that are reframed into two categories

Short answer questions and long answer questions.

  • Objective Type Questions comprising Multiple Choice, Fill in the

blanks and True or False are given at the end of each chapter

  • Problems under ‘exercises’ are divided into short answer probien

and other exercises.

We hope that the effort made by us to ‘tailor’ the book for the general shilt in

The question paper pattern of most of the universities will be beneficial to the students community and the professors, teaching the subject in various institutions.

           We thank our publishers Margham publications ,chennai for the unstinted co-operation extended by theme in making our books more purposeful and useful


T.S. Reddy, Y. Hari Prasad Reddy


Used – Fair






Margham Publications


5th Ed, Reprint-2022

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