Electronics and microprocessors by V Thiyagarajan



Electronics and microprocessors by V Thiyagarajan

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Across the world and in this part of the country, several stalwarts have presented treatise on Electronics and Microprocessor’. This latest publication on the subject was attempted by me as yet another small contribution in the area. It is niy great pleasure and privilege to contribute thhe same to the immediate benefit of especially B.E Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engineering students who are taking Anna University Examinations. While writing tis book, the contents are so formatted to directly and strictly address the latest syllabus of Anna University.

Under the present circumstances of the technical education especially in Tamil Nadu, there appears no book of this type on this subject for a quick and inmmediate reference by the students. That is, majority of the students will always be looking for very lucid statements in a treatise like this and as well quick understanding of the complicated teciniques and methodologies via easily understandable definitions and sketches. I therefore severely hope that the present form of this book addresses to the above needs of the students.

The contents are formatted to have Five modules with descriptive subsections, short questions and answers, and collection of review questions. Thus the present forn of the book has a reasonably wide coverage in sufficient depth giving the much needed basic concepts of “Electronics and Microprocessor”. The author’s responsibility here is to stress abundantly that he lays no claim to the original research in preparing this book. Many of the subject matters that are available in the works of eminent authors have been made freely. Perhaps what I may claim, in all modesty, is that I have tried to fashion the vast amount of materials available from primary and secondary sources into coherent body of description and analysis.

My grateful thanks are due to Mr. A.Ramakrishnan of the A.R Publications, for providing me this opportunity.

I should thank all the authors and publishers of the reference books that I have used here.

Author hope that the render would find the contents clear enough and usefiul for their needs.

Suggestions for the further improvement of the book are most welcome.

Weight .665 kg



Used – Good




ARS Publications

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