Modern India A History Textbook for class XII by National Council Of Educational Research And Training



Modern India A History Textbook for class XII by National Council Of Educational Research And Training

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About Book:

           After ten years of general education, the two years of higher secondary stage aim at initiating the pupil into the study of courses in a few subjects of her/his choice.  This stage aims at equipping the pupil to pursue higher academic studies in a few selected subjects, and helping those who cease their formal education after this stage enters the world of work.

            For the first ten years of schooling, history forms a part of an undiversified curriculum in general education and aims at introducing the pupil to the main trends and developments in the history of India and of the world.  At the higher secondary stage (Classes XI-XII), the pupil is initiated into a systematic study of the subject and introduced to the rigours of the discipline.  This implies that the pupil at this stage is helped to develop an attitude of studying the past objectively.  The National Policy on Education (NPE) – 1986 lays stress on many objectives and areas of knowledge which are closely related to the study of history.  Promoting an understanding of India’s cultural heritage, combating superstition and obscurantism, and promoting a humane and forward-looking outlook are among the major objectives of education, which are also the basic objectives of teaching history.  The NPE – 1986 stressed the history of the Indian freedom movement as a part of the core curriculum is a part of the history syllabi developed by the NCERT at all stages of school education.


National Council Of Educational Research And Training


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