Thermal Engineering- by Domkundwar Kothandaraman Domkundwar



Thermal Engineering- by Domkundwar Kothandaraman Domkundwar

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About Book:

The authors are extremely thankful to the teachers and students of Engineering for giving warm welcomes and support to this text for the last 30 years.

The purpose of this edition is not at all different from the previous editions except a few modifications and amplifications in different chapters.

The noteable features of this edition are:

  1. The printing and calculation mistakes are removed keeping eagle-eye during proof-reading.
  2. The exercises in all the chapters are modified and answers of all numericals are given.
  3. Many chapters are modified to suit the requirements of majority of Indian Universities and a few chapters are combined and a few are deleted.
  4. The book is divided in Five parts and solved problems from different Indian Universities are given at the end of each chapter and arranged grade wise. The features of point 4 above will help the students to raise their ability to prepare the subject well and face the examination with full confidence.
  5. Special steam tables are included at the end, which provides the internal energies of steam also.

The subject Thermal Engineering is vast in nature and it is offered at different levels to the engineering students. The understanding of the theory is important to make the foundation strong but its applications are more important even than theory.It is necessary for the students to know the practical problems to understand the subject well. Keeping this purpose in mind, authors have taken sufficient pains to include number of solved problems but there is limit for the size of the text.

Therefore, the authors have also published separately-A Key to Thermal Engineering which includes only solved problems from Indian Universities and Competitive examination question papers from 1995 to 2008. This will help the students to understand the subject better and will create a confidence to face any examination


Domkundwar Kothandaraman Domkundwar


Used – Good




Dhanpat Rai & Co

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