Engineering Chemistry – 17th Edition – By PC Jain



Engineering Chemistry – 17th Edition – By PC Jain

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the stnty of chemistry is profitable hot only in as much as it promotes the material interest ot
makint, bat also Ievause it fhunishes us with insight into those wonders of creation, which immecliatey
surround us and with whiech our existene life and development, are most closely connected
Justus Von Leibig (1803-1873)

German Chemist

The blessing of Gurus and spectacular response received by the earlier editions, both rom
teachers and students all over the country, has encouraged the authors to present this seventeerntn
edition of Engineering chemistry.

1he book has been updated considering the immediate requirements of most of the universiies
to include latest topics of chemistry such as Green chemistry and Nano Chemistry and Advanced
Technologies such as P’etroleum Technology. An attempt has been made to bridge the gap between
highly classical concepts of chemistry and the modern applications of chemistry to industry in all
domain Such as material secience and environment protection etc. For the convenience of student
experiments and Viva-voce has also been included in this edition.

The work could be completed in the present form due to continuous and untiring eftorts of Smt
Trishla Jain. We acknowledge the valuable suggestions of Sh. Rakesh Gupta.

A large number of Solved Numerical Exaples and Test Your Understanding drawn from
various university examinations have been given at the end of theoretical part of chapter. Question
havebeen drawn fronmexaminations of various universities like Alagappa, Aligarh, Amravati, Andhra,
Anna, Bangalore, Bhagalpur, Bharathidasan, BIT Mesra, Bombay, Calicut, CIT Coimbatore, DDIT
Nadiad, Dibrugarh Jadavpur, Jamia Millia Islamia. JNTU, Karnataka, Kalinga, Marathwada, Nagpur,
Poona, Rajasthan Techical University, Rajiv Gandhi lechnical, Rani Durgavati, Ravishanker, Shivaji,
Sindri, Sri Krishnadevaraya, Sri Venkateswara, South Gujarat, Tripura, U.P. Technical, Utkal, Vikram,
Visveswaraiah Technological, P’unjab Technical University and West Bengal.

Authors have spared no effort to make the book increasingly useful and comprehensive for the
students as well as fellow teachers. We are highly grateful to all the members of the teaching community
and students, who sent us syllabi, question papers, and valuable suggestions for the Improvement of
subject matter of the book. We are highly thankful to our Publishers, Particularly Mr. K.K Kaptur, for
meeting our demands regarding improvement ot the book. Mr. Tarun Kaptur’s efforts in keeping the
continuous interaction with us, is commendable. Constructive criticism, and suggestions for further
improvement of the book would be most welcome. Kindly mail it to us at Jain _and

Weight .990 kg

Trishla Jain & Jotika Jain


Used – Good






Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company(p) Ltd

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